Santa Ines Anaerobic BRASIL specialty kávé

Santa Ines Anaerobic BRASIL specialty kávé

Coffee growing in Carmo de Minas has been the business of the Pereira family since 1979. When the family started managing the 215 ha. farmland at Fazenda Santa Ines, it was already planted in coffee, but they opted on planting new varieties and updating the work model in order to improve quality and productivity. At the time the family took over management at Santa Ines, the Carmo de Minas region was experiencing problems with quality. The family hired experts to help improve quality, they introduced new harvesting/processing techniques, and they also implemented the newest farm technology available. Immediately the coffees from Santa Ines began to stand out in regional and national contests, establishing a reputation of quality amongst the specialty coffee market.

Ízjegyek: Őszibarack – szőlőlé – feketetea.

Flavour notes: Peach – grape juice – black tea.

Eljárás I Process: Anaerobic Natural / Anaerobic Száraz I  Magasság I Altitude: 1050 m

Fajta I Varietal: Yellow Bourbon I  Régió I Region: Carmo de Minas